ChayaVeda's Wellness Wednesdays
Yoga 6:00PM-7:15PM - Bring a yoga mat and a small blanket or large towel
Refreshments · Raffles
Wellness Workshop 7:30PM-8:45PM - Up level Your Inner Technology
Come for yoga or wellness workshop or both
Have a great time while up leveling your health, connecting to a larger purpose
and participating in our vision of bringing wellness and self empowerment to our
community and those in need.
$5-$25 Donation Suggested · RSVP Requested
More details with our sponsor information and menu coming to our website soon!!
The mission of ChayaVeda™ Integrative Healing Arts, is to empower and educate others because Chaya believes everyone has the ability to live their highest potential, finding freedom and living purpose to nourish and restore themselves, our communities and our world. This is the essence of peace.