IPDC Lunch & Learn Series: The Art & Power of Negotiating - Getting to Yes!
Negotiating is more than just knowing “moves” and “turns” or your best BATNA (Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement), it’s a way of life; something most of us do practically every day. And by understanding how to use the techniques of negotiation it will exponentially increase our chances for success. Think about it, when was the last time you negotiated your salary? A large purchase? Your priorities at work?
Jennifer Webb will share techniques you can start using immediately to help you feel more comfortable about negotiating. You’ll learn the language of negotiation, what you must pay attention to in every negotiation, the states, styles and strategies of negotiating and much more.
For an interactive, fun and highly information lunch and learn, join professional speaker Jennifer Webb of Magic Communications when she helps break down negotiation myths and shares practical ideas that enable you to start negotiating as soon as you leave the luncheon!
The SF IPDC Lunch & Learn Series offers local inventors, entrepreneurs and innovators the opportunity to connect with IPDC Partners, organizations and private sector companies who provide mentoring and learning opportunities for start-ups and their founders. These FREE events include networking, lunch and interactive presentations by subject area experts on topics relevant to product commercialization and growing your new business.
Seating is limited so reserve yours today!