Holiday Cooking & Cocktails Workshop

Join Garreth and Rika, for a fun evening as they offer tastings and teach you new recipes and techniques for the kitchen and bar!
About this event
Tailgating and barbeque season is here, and now's the time to add to your cooking skill arsenal, and cocktail-making skills! Join us for a fun evening of learning on the 12th with our favorite cook Garreth, and bartender Rika. You will leave with new knowledge of how to prep some great summer party or tailgating recipes with health and fresh ingredients as the focus, and don't forget all the delicious cocktails you will learn how to make for your guests!
You may already know Garreth of In the Kitchen with Garreth, who provides support to busy individuals and families by sharing practical tips and whole food recipes to easily prepared from your own kitchen for an improved quality of life! Be sure to check out her media channels and learn more about her history, training, and message on her website!
Rika is our favorite bartender and friend from Local Provisions, a farm-to-table restaurant in Tioga Town Center on Newberry Road. Visit them soon for a stellar meal and drinks!
Please register by 11/10 so that we can prepare enough food/drinks for the tasting!