Community Business Conference

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Name: Community Business Conference
Date: August 23, 2023 - August 24, 2023
Event Description:
Do you struggle to keep up with everything that is happening in our vibrant and growing community? We do too! That’s why we’re hosting the “2023 Opportunity Abounds: Building the Blueprint Together” Community Conference. During this two-day event, we will hear from our city, county, public, private and non-profit leaders on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Topics include: infrastructure, education, the environment, the business landscape and conscientious growth. Join us on August 23- 24 and make your voice heard as we build the Greater Gainesville Blueprint.
Event Media:
Event Sponsors:

Speaker Sponsor

Community Supporter

UF Hilton
1714 SW 34th Street
Gainesville, FL 32607
Date/Time Information:
Wednesday, August 23: 1p-5p
Thursday, August 24: 8a-5p
General Admission: $150.00
    - includes general admission to two-day conference
    - Dinner on 8/23
    - Breakfast, Lunch and Cocktail Reception on 8/24

Conference Title Sponsor: $15,000
Speaker Sponsor: $10,000
Meal Sponsors: $10,000
Cocktail Reception Sponsor: $7,000
Corporate Table Sponsor: $5,000
Community Sponsor: $2,500
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