Employer University: Innovative Tips to Actively Engage Underclassmen
Employer University: Innovative Tips to Actively Engage Underclassmen
July 26, 2023
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Event Description:
Employer University's initiative to educate employers about the best practices for college recruiting. Our short webinar courses are designed to increase your knowledge on relevant hiring topics and trends, so that you can maximize your recruitment efforts and develop an influential brand.
Get proactive with your recruitment strategy and start engaging with underclassmen. Creating opportunities for underclassmen is a great way to start cultivating relationships and networking with potential future applicants. In this webinar, we will discuss the benefits of early engagement and tips on how to get started.
To register for this webinar, sign up here: https://ufl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iVhmvegOSNG_qFN1IPHQLQ