Gainesville Area Women's Network (GAWN) Luncheon - Networking
Please join GAWN at the Sweetwater Branch Inn for our March Networking Luncheon - Come Elevate Yourself.
The goal is to pique interest and get members to want to learn more, not give them a complete overview of everything you do.
If you don't have your own business, focus on how could GAWN members help you. Would you like to: have coffee with others in _____; establish a mentor/mentee relationship with someone in _____; get support for a ____ transition; etc.
OUTLINE: Who you are. What you do / your business. What's unique. What' your ask / call-to-action. Optional: slogan / tagline / something memorable
TIPS: SHORT! 30 seconds / target 75 words. Interesting. (yours is one of 50+ pitches) Personalized for GAWN members. Be confident & positive.
PREPARATION: Practice & refine & practice... Time yourself. (we will cut you off at 30 sec.) Speak slowly, enunciate clearly. Vary your tone. Smile!
REMEMBER - Keep It Simple and Concise, you only have 30 seconds!
REGISTER on our website now!
We look forward to seeing you there!
PLEASE NOTE: Credit cards are NOT accepted at the door.